It is not known if she knew that the girl was carrying her husband’s child. When their daughter was about to give birth, Magaya’s wife, Tendai, is said to have handed her US$200 which she said was from the prophet. She was put in a corner, she was manipulated until she gave in,” Molly says in the video. At her tender age, she was just still a minor. I asked her if they were in love and she said no, which suggests to me she was manipulated. She said he would force her to have sex with him in the toilet, in the prayer room… she mentioned many places. Molly said her daughter had first told her through text message that Magaya was the father of her child. She told us her story in detail,” Godfrey said. She started opening up and revealed everything. “The love that she got from her husband was the turning point. The Maenzanises say their daughter would keep the story of how she fell pregnant a secret until three years later, in 2016, when she met her boyfriend, now her husband. I was very sad that my daughter’s life had been messed up in this way because she had goals in life, she wanted to study medicine.” Magaya told me the boy insisted he was not ready to settle down with my daughter, and the pregnancy had been unplanned,” Molly tearfully says in the video.

“I got the shock of my life… I asked him how this had happened, and who was responsible? He told me my daughter was three weeks pregnant by a boy who had refused to take responsibility. Magaya, according to Molly, summoned her to his house in June 2013, and informed her that her daughter was pregnant, just two weeks after she turned 18. Prosecutors have insisted on pursuing the case, accusing Magaya of paying off his accuser.

Magaya is currently facing trial for rape, but the case faces collapse after the alleged victim left for Germany and wrote to prosecutors saying she had lied. “My daughter was sexually abused by Prophet Walter Magaya,” Molly said. Within months, one of the girls was pregnant. Godfrey and Molly Maenzanise, in a video posted on YouTube, claimed the married Magaya had adopted their two daughters in January 2013 after they were sent home from school over fees arrears. HARARE – Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries founder, the self-styled prophet Walter Magaya, is facing new accusations of sexual abuse after a couple claimed he impregnated their 17-year-old daughter.